*There will be a + $1 charge for each minute of travel added to the cost of all in-person consultations/sessions more than 10 miles away.
I am not a doctor and do not diagnose or prescribe. I am a Certified Consulting Hypnotist. I have received formal education and training to assist individuals with making desirable changes to their behaviors, reactions, and performances. I do this by guiding their conscious and subconscious mind to alternative patterns of thinking and emotional processing.
The services I render are held out to the public as nontherapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. I do not represent my services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law I may make no health benefit claims for my services.
Copyright © 2023 Cross Conscious Hypnosis - All Rights Reserved.