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Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which a person is physically and mentally relaxed while also experiencing increased focus. The conscious mind is so relaxed that the subconscious mind comes to the fore. This allows the the person to be highly responsive to positive and beneficial suggestions, which leads to guided changes in sensation, perception, thought, or behavior.
Yes, hypnosis is a completely safe and natural state of mind that has been used for centuries to help people overcome a wide range of issues and challenges. There are several times throughout the day in which individuals naturally enter light states of hypnosis.
Hypnotism can be used to address a wide range of issues, including but not limited to apprehensions, fears, weight management, smoking cessation, and adjustments to change. Many individuals seek services in hypnotism for performance enhancement or to establish self-control and wellness in their live. If a client can imagine a situation they want that is positive, doable, safe, and specific, then it is appropriate for hypnotism.
Hypnosis is a subjective experience. It is very rare for a person to have that lightbulb or "aha" moment in which they think to themselves "I'm now in hypnosis". This is especially the case with the first experience. Rather, most individuals report that they experience a pleasant “heaviness” or “lightness” as if they are “floating”. Senses are usually heightened and individuals find enjoyment in their enhanced ability to concentrate and use their imagination. Then, each session thereafter, individuals immediately know when they in hypnosis. Although it is typical for individuals to feel extremely calm and free from worry or types of discomfort, falling asleep is very uncommon. It is completely normal for clients to remember every detail of the experience while they were in hypnosis. It is also completely normal for clients to only remember certain parts. Similarly to watching a movie.
The first session typically last longer than an hour, as we will get to know each other better and expand on the some the things discussed during the initial consultation. After I have a full understanding on how you would like to improve your life and what specific changes you want to make, we will work together to establish your goals. I will then introduce you to some relaxation and focus exercises, before guiding you into hypnosis. While you are in hypnosis, I will offer positive and beneficial ideas that are in alignment with your goals. After your subconscious mind has time to absorb the suggestions and start the change process, I will guild you out of hypnosis. We will then briefly reflect on the hypnotic experience and determine plans and insights for further work together. Subsequent sessions are about 60 minutes in length and separated into two parts. First, we review the goals and discuss all of the progress noticed since the previous session. Then we do more hypnosis together to further improve the change process.
With the exception of individuals who present some type of neurological or significant mental impairment, all people are hypnotizable. Again, people naturally pass through light states of hypnosis multiple times each day. During the first six to eight years of a person's life, their subconscious mind heavily programmed with new experiences that strongly influence their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors...HYPNOSIS. Occasionally, there are barriers that can delay an individual's hypnotic experience. This is usually due to something minor that a hypnotist/hypnotherapist can easily address. Sometimes people are a little nervous before being hypnotized for the first time. Hypnotist/hypnotherapist only hypnotize an individual when the individual has a ready desire to be hypnotized. Intelligent individuals who are creative and good at using their imagination make wonderful hypnotism clients.
Great question! The belief that being hypnotized consist of a hypnotist coercing a person into a deep sleep, so that they can control them is still a widely popular misperception. One reason, the word hypnosis derived from "Hypnos", the Greek God of Sleep. In the early days of conventional hypnotism, pioneers found that bringing their client to the brink of falling asleep helped with the hypnotic process. This is no longer necessary, as hypnotists/hypnotherapists can offer a larger variety of hypnotic techniques that foster quicker and more effective levels of relaxation and focus. Perhaps the biggest culprit with these myths is what sells in entertainment and media. It makes for a great movie. It's also fun to see someone's parent act like a dog at a graduation party when someone snaps their fingers. In reality, hypnosis is not sleep and is not similar to sleep aside from sharing the outward appearance of having a relaxed face and closed eyes. A person can fall asleep while in hypnosis. Still, it is very uncommon. Clients also rmaintain in control the throughout the entire process and their morals and ethics remain intact. They can reject suggestions that do not align with their goals and terminate the experience at any time.
Hypnosis is completely organic. Our body is designed with the ability to heal and improve naturally. Although no promises or guarantees can be made due to the uniqueness of every client, hypnotism is believed to be the most effective method for addressing individual issues at the root of the problem. In a study published by American Health Magazine, hypnotism services yielded a 93% success rate in only 6 sessions, compared to a 72% success rate in 22 behavioral therapy sessions, and a 38% success rate in 600 psychoanalysis sessions.
The practice of hypnosis is endorsed by both the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. Although every medical and mental health professional is entitled to their own opinion, several licensed practitioners all over the world have received additional training to use hypnotherapy as part of their services provided.
EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is self-administered intervention that allows individuals to reduce and release physical and emotional distress by sequentially stimulating ("tap"/"tapping") acupressure points on their body while simultaneously focusing on their troublesome thoughts, emotions, and/or bodily sensations. The roots of EFT are a combination of ancient Chinese Acupuncture and Thought Field Therapy (Exposure Therapy). Massive amounts of information, stimulus, input, and data affect our emotions on a daily basis. By tapping on the acupressure points with our fingertips, we send bursts of energy through meridians in the body. This clear blocks due to negative emotions and other types of stress that get trapped in the body.
There are no known dangers or side effects to using EFT. When individuals learn the principles of EFT, they have full ownership of the rate and intensity in which they apply the technique to address any issue. They utilize their own thoughts, emotions, and physical touch. There are only a few situations in which practitioners and researchers of EFT recommend that individuals take necessary precaution. Individuals who wish to work on significant and long-standing problems or trauma related to experiences of past abuse are advised to let an EFT practitioner guide them even after they are familiar with the basics of EFT. This is due to the nature of heightened emotions that can unexpectedly come up while addressing such issues. It is also recommend that individuals have any sources of pain medically evaluated before they attempt to resolve the distress associated with the pain by tapping. Pain is a message that something is wrong. It may have an emotional basis, but disease and structural concerns have to be ruled out.
There are no limitations for the use of EFT. If someone wishes to change how they feel about something, physically, mentally, and emotionally, they can apply EFT to the situation. Hence, the name, Emotional Freedom Technique. In addition to stress relief, individuals who practice EFT obtain increased mindfulness. Therefore, they develop more insight into their emotions and thinking patterns. This can effectively help with a wide range of issues that have not responded positively to other alternative and traditional treatment methods, including but not limited to self-control, weight management, pain relief, sleep improvement, confidence, performance enhancement, past trauma, and healthy lifestyle habits.
When tapping is implemented the experience varies on an individual basis. Everyone has objectives that are relevant to the unique issues they want to address. Some individuals may initially feel a little awkward or find humor when saying the setup statements, reminders, and affirmations. It is also common for people to experience some anger, sadness, and even cry while tapping. They could even feel tired after their first several EFT sessions. This is due to all of the negative emotions and memories that was being harbored and repressed in the mind and body. However, after getting acquainted with the process and establishing a regular routine, the majority of individuals look forward to doing their next EFT session. It brings them a sense of overall calmness, confidence, and mental clarity. It is very empowering for someone when they realize they have a natural, do it themselves tool that they can utilize virtually anywhere at any time to benefit their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/tapping) is a basic but effective way of healing. It can be used in combination with other treatment methods or as a standalone approach. Like hypnosis, it utilizes the mind body connection and is completely organic. Many people have grown tired of the notion that everything needs treated with drugs. Plus, virtually every prescribed drug leads to dependency and/or side effects that lead to more health issues.
Natural modalities like EFT are making a comeback, and for very good reason.
EFT is far less invasive than traditional medical treatment. It does not require shots, doctors, medicine, or equipment, and the results for some have been life-changing. Measurable test results have confirmed the effectiveness of EFT for lowering the production of cortisol, the stress related hormone, and the fight/flight response by decreasing amygdala activity in the brain. In one study, sufferers of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) showed a 63% average in the reduction of PTSD symptoms after just six rounds of tapping.
There are many reasons hypnotists/hypnotherapists integrate EFT into their practice. Clients usually experience profound results after just a few hypnotism sessions. However, many individuals like having an effective bonus, so they can continue working on their goals in between sessions, and before they learn and master self-hypnosis. Sometimes EFT can be thought of as the warm up before a hypnosis session, as it can engage some of the thoughts and emotions that need to be addressed during the hypnotic experience. EFT is also a productive way for clients who are new to hypnosis to get aquatinted with the process. Some practitioners have highlighted the benefits of using EFT and Hypnosis together by using the phrase "The Eraser" (EFT) & "The Installer" (Hypnosis), because EFT is likened to releasing or erasing the negative emotions, while hypnosis installs positive emotions and healthy thought patterns.
I am not a doctor and do not diagnose or prescribe. I am a Certified Consulting Hypnotist. I have received formal education and training to assist individuals with making desirable changes to their behaviors, reactions, and performances. I do this by guiding their conscious and subconscious mind to alternative patterns of thinking and emotional processing.
The services I render are held out to the public as nontherapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. I do not represent my services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law I may make no health benefit claims for my services.
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